
We had a event 24th on December. However, because of COVID-19, we couldn’t have it. Instead of that, I was working on that day. I work at convenience store so we had to cook a lot of chickens. At first, the smell is so good but as time is go by, the smell became bad smell. Because we made too much chickens.

Make a few amount of dish is good but too much is bad.

How important sleeping is

These days, I can’t have enough time to sleep because I work at night. Of course I know sleeping short isn’t good for my health. However I have a lot of things to do in the day time. So my sleeping hours are decreasing. If we don’t have enough time, we couldn’t think difficult things and keep concentration. It makes some mistakes or accident. I’ll do my best to have more time to sleep.

Worries about my life

I have a lot of worries about my life like a job, relationships, hobbies and so on. 

First, I’m working as a part time worker at the convenience store but I think I have to do job hunting in the nearly future. However, I have nothing which I want to do as a job. So I cannot do anything now. 

Secondly, I’m worrying about my relationships. Now, I don’t have good relationships with my friends or coworkers. I’d like to make good relationships with them so I will look for something to make good one. In my plan, I’ll work here at least one year. If we don’t have good relationships, we couldn’t work so long time.

I’ll do my best. Id like to solve these problems.